Si Liew is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, an Occupational Health Nurse for over 20 years and had worked in a variety of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, construction, oil and gas and enforcement law; act as a medical subject matter expert to these corporation Executive Team and leads the employee health and safety programs. She helps develop corporate health a wellness programs and helps people build their businesses and dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer and more fulfilling lives. She has taught thousands of people to discover the truth of who they are and discover their full capabilities. Throughout the years of her clinical practices, she has witnessed countless clients spontaneously heal from diseases and return to perfect health and well-being – simply by understanding and learning how to work with their minds, and inner energy and recognizing their life signals.
Title : Managing fatigue at workplace
Title : Empowering women in 21st century- Become a visionary women