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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2016

Homelessness as a manifestation of wider socioeconomic determinants: Qualitative research

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Mzwandile Andi Mabhala
University of Chester, United Kingdom
Title : Homelessness as a manifestation of wider socioeconomic determinants: Qualitative research


Background: There has been a sharp increase in homelessness following recent UK welfare and other social policy reforms; these reforms included public expenditure reductions, compounded by benefit cuts which lowered/capped housing benefits and weakened welfare protection and the housing safety net. The increase occurred despite efforts by the government and charitable organisations to mitigate it, which raises questions about their strategies’ effectiveness and about policymakers’ understanding of homelessness. Aim: This study aims to gain insight into the determinants of homelessness through examining the life stories of homeless people and those who work with them.

Methodology: Constructivist grounded theory (CGT) is used to develop a theoretical explanation of the determinants of homelessness. Qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews are being conducted in several centres for homeless people in the north west of England, UK.

Results: Initial analysis of the stories of homeless people reveals four determinants of homelessness: home and childhood environments, experiences during school life, type of social lifestyle and opportunities for access to social goods.

Conclusion: Participants see their homelessness as a manifestation of fundamental determinants of social inequalities such as education, income inequality, unemployment and welfare, barriers to housing and other services; crime; and living environment.

Takeaway Notes:

• It leads the debate on homelessness is socioeconomically determined.

• This presentation provides analysis of the causal pathways between the socioeconomic inequalities, homelessness and inequalities in health.

• It Illustrates opportunities for intervention at fundamental determinants level to interrupt the process of becoming homeless.

• It stimulates debate and research which sees homelessness as an outcome of material, social and cultural inequalities across societies, which are in turn the product of inequalities in power, income, wealth, knowledge, social status and social connections.


Dr Mzwandile Mabhala is an associate professor in Public Health Epidemiology at the University of Chester United Kingdom (UK). He has expertise in epidemiology, social justice and research in a wide range of public health projects. He has had several senior public health roles within the UK National Health Service and higher education institutions, including senior public health skills development programme manager at the University of Oxford Institute of Health Sciences. He contributes in All Party Parliament Group in the United Kingdom government.
