Title : Transforming Healthcare Through GPS
The purpose of this presentation is to inform the audience of the steps in transforming global healthcare, nursing education, research and practice through global paradigm shift. Education is an equalizer globally; however, for the 21st century, the Internet, mobile and wearable technology is outpacing education as the global equalizer toward health and wellbeing. Nursing and nurses all over the world need to lead in interprofessional collaboration to harness the Internet, mobile and wearable technology as the greatest global equalizer for health, healthcare and healthcare systems in the 21st century. Technology can improve wellbeing, assist adherence to self-care and has the potential to cut the costs of health care in assessing and providing evidence-based interventions. It describes the elements of current health, healthcare providers and healthcare systems needing a paradigm shift. It provides an overview of the process of transforming personal, interprofessional, organizational and systems paradigm shifts in thinking, feeling and behaving; from treating or curing diseases to elevating health levels so the disease could not exist. The challenge to healthcare providers and healthcare systems is to be collaborative, agile, resilient, and ethical (CARE) the basic attributes of GPS.