HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 17-19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA

October 17 -19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA
NWC 2016

Using cognitive rehearsal to address nurse-to-nurse incivility: Student perceptions

Speaker at Nursing Conference - Jennette S Logan
Regis University, United States
Title : Using cognitive rehearsal to address nurse-to-nurse incivility: Student perceptions


Nurse-to-nurse incivility is a global issue and is considered by working nurses to be the most common and disturbing type of workplace aggression. It is defined as rude, intimidating and discourteous behavior towards another, especially when the individual is new to an environment and less powerful. (Clark, 2011) Student nurses are often the target of this behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to provide nursing students with skills to engage in civil ways that support nurse-to nurse collegial relationships. The purpose of this study was to gain insight on how an educational intervention using cognitive rehearsal, addressed the problem of incivility from the student’s perception. The question this study sought to address was “In senior nursing students, how does the use of a workshop that includes a role play on nurse-to-nurse incivility affect perception of incivility and how to address incivility?” The objective of the study was to gather nursing students’ perceptions of how to address incivility following their participation in a workshop using cognitive rehearsal and to provide nursing students with an evidenced based strategy to address incivility. After consent, a survey comprised of six open ended questions to collect student responses about incivility was administered. A team reread the responses several times and themes and categories were developed using comparative analysis. A summary of the four categories and examples of responses will be shared with the audience. The presentation will enable the audience to define and describe incivility as well as identify their own role as perpetuators and targets of incivility. The audience will also be able to describe the consequences of incivility in the work place or academia, i.e. barriers to communication, damaged relationships, nursing attrition, medication errors as well as poor patient outcomes and satisfaction. Additionally, the audience will be able to describe and utilize an evidenced based strategy to address incivility in their school or place of employment. Using Cognitive Rehearsal Cue Cards prepared by Griffin (2004) the audience will be prepared to address incivility using professional and effective responses.

Takeaway Notes: According to researchers Clark (2011) incivility contributes to clinicians leaving their jobs, educators leaving the classroom and students leaving the nursing program. According to Lewis and Malecha (2011) incivility costs $11500 in lost productivity per nurse per year. Additionally, poor patient outcomes are also costly. Subsequently, the audience will be able to describe an evidenced based strategy which can be used to address nurse to nurse incivility. Additionally, the audience will be able to utilize the cognitive rehearsal cue cards in role play to address incivility in the work place. The work shop can be used as a part of orientation for new students/staff and to assist students/staff who are transitioning from the student role to the new graduate nurse or employee status. The audience subsequently will be able to develop policies to address incivility in their work or academic environment. Finally, the audience will leave with a strategy to improve nurse and student retention as well as a strategy to address lack of productivity in the work place.


Jennette S. Logan is a recent graduate of Regis University, Denver Colorado. Her capstone research centered around incivility in nursing education. She is currently employed as a Nursing Professor at Morgan State University and Johns Hopkins University. She has presented research at the Sigma Theta Tau International Conference in CapeTown, South Africa and will also present at the National DNP Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. She is a strong advocate for civility in the work place and nursing school environments.
