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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2018

Exploring the cultural experiences and beliefs of central/eastern europeans about mental health care in the United Kingdom a systematic review

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Lois Dugmore
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Title : Exploring the cultural experiences and beliefs of central/eastern europeans about mental health care in the United Kingdom a systematic review


The European Union extended its membership in 2004, to include 8 new Eastern and Central European countries known as A8. One of the key issue for the United Kingdom is that it requires migrant workers because of changes in the current population that include shrinking birth rates and increasing life expectancy, yet the United Kingdom does not always welcome migrants despite the need (Rechel et al., 2013). The health and social care sector workforce within the United Kingdom relies heavily on migrant workers (Hussein,et al 2011), many of whom may use health care services. Little is known about Central/Eastern European migrants use of mental health services, or views. Understanding the cultural needs of Central/ Eastern European migrants may be key to engaging service users within mental health services and improving health. Mental health services are more likely to assess and manage Central/Eastern Europeans with psychosis, based on increased pressures of migration and factors associated with isolation, and where cultural beliefs vary and perspectives of service delivery might not be understood (Bhugra et al., 2011). First and second generation Central/Eastern European migrants have higher risk of psychosis (Hjern, et al, 2004). Many Central/Eastern Europeans will not get the services they require because of the differences in cultural norms and language which can lead to unmet need based on lack of cultural understanding (Carta et al., 2005). This will include language barriers, experiences of living in occupied countries and in communist states.

Ethnicity is a significant factor in how we identify ourselves and others around us. Understanding of the cultural norms of other societies enables us to meet the needs of service users from other cultures. “Members of a culture share symbols and behaviour norms, and identify as members of the culture” (Jandt, 2016 P6). However there are significant barriers to studying the experiences of mental health services from Central/Eastern Europe, for example within routine NHS data collection the only data for White that is collected is White British or White Other. Very little is known about cultural differences in Central/Eastern Europeans within the United Kingdom from white British members of the community. As economic migration to the United Kingdom continues mental health services need to be able to respond to the need (Clarke 2016). Differences in White populations differ greatly other than just language issues. There has been a plethora of literature looking at differences for Black and Ethnic Minority migrants, but very little around Central/Eastern Europeans. With Central/Eastern Europeans identified as having poorer mental health (Madden et al., 2017), it is fundamental to understand the cultural needs of this population to facilitate services to meet the need of mental health and cultural differences, which are a key interest of the researcher and an area in which they work. Conducting a systematic review demonstrates that the process evaluates all aspects of the literature to ensure its integrity and trustworthiness of results (Moher, Shamseer, Clarke, Ghersi, Liberati, Petticrew, Shekelle, Stewart, et al., 2015) This systematic review will consider papers that cover the topic of mental health, Central /Eastern Europeans and cultural influence. Cultural differences, how we record and recognize this, how do work with changing populations? This is more than needing an interpreter.

Audience Take Away:

  • How we view culture in mental health
  • Impact of cultural differences in mental health
  • Understanding holistic approach to individual care
  • How government policy impacts on health services
  • All mental health patients have individual need
  • Culture has an important role to play when we are trying to improve our health
  • Understanding culture may improve outcomes
  • Could improve how systems work recording of data more efficiently means clearer about our populations and then can plan to meet this need.
  • Should become part of health care staff training to understand needs of other cultures


Lois Dugmore is currently a full time PhD student at University of Nottingham. She specializes in addictions and mental health and is a keen supporter of mainstreaming substance use into mental health settings and veterans services. Lois has published papers and contributed chapters to a number of books related to risk, sexual abuse, dual diagnosis and substance misuse. Lois has a keen interest in mainstreaming sexual abuse within mental health services and is currently involved in delivering the Department of Health’s violence and sexual abuse training for healthcare professionals. Lois has a keen interest in forensic settings and experience of working with forensic and prison settings. Lois is a member of PROGRESS nurse consultant group and all parliamentary groups on dual diagnosis. That provides guidance on dual diagnosis information and policy recommendations.
