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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2019

Delphi technique for intravenous assessment among oncologic patients receiving chemotherapy

Speaker at Nursing Conference - Dararat Chuwongin
Chulabhorn Hospital, Thailand
Title : Delphi technique for intravenous assessment among oncologic patients receiving chemotherapy


Cancer is a leading cause of life threatening. There are several methods for chemotherapy administration consisting of oral, intramuscular, and intravenous form. Though intravenous technique is widely accepted, it still has a risk of extravasation during administration, approximately 2% receiving anesthetics and 5% obtaining chemotherapy. In general, the severity of extravasations is divided into 4 levels; 0 = no skin change, 1= having rash but no itching, 2= vein inflammation and itching, and 4 = severe inflammation and necrotic tissue as surgery needed. The signs and symptoms of skin manifestation including inflammation, necrosis and surrounding organs involvement can be observed. Though metacarpal, cephalic, basilic and median veins are available for venous cannulation, veins at dorsum of hand are recommended by Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for long-term chemotherapy. However, large veins locating on the upper arm, should not be considered at the first attempt. In addition, either vein at bifurcation, metastatic cancerous area, feet, legs or arms particularly post mastectomy, has a high incidence of phebitis. Investigators set up a questionnaire, by means of Delphi’s technique, to survery opinions on venous cannulation. Ten experts on chemotherapy and related fields volunteered to join the study. The tool was tried out in 3 registered nurses for its item of index congruence. The appropriateness of the test would be established as nurse competency guideline on venipuncture with less complications and a high standard of care.

Take Away Notes:

• To set up a Nursing Practice Guideline for venous cannulation assessment

• To study the suitable site of venous cannulation in patients undergoing chemotherapy


Miss Kamolchanok Booprajak graduated from the Thai Red Cross Society Nursing College in 2009. She is interested in advanced cancer and has responsibilities to take care of cancer patients. Moreover, she has a full participation in Haemodialysis Program of Nurse Practitioner in Renal Replacement Therapy at Phra Mongkutklao Hospital, Thailand. In addition, she is a co-researcher in a study titled The Effectiveness of Video and Handbook Learning Media for Knowledge Acquisition in Healthcare Process with Liver Cancer Patients Receiving First Trans-Arterial Chemoembolization: A Randomized Control-Trial..
