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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2019

Impact of a flipped classroom on academic achievement and perception among first year nursing students

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Amal Amin El sheikh
Menoufia University, Egypt
Title : Impact of a flipped classroom on academic achievement and perception among first year nursing students


Background: Flipped classroom has generated considerable interest in nursing education in the last few years, especially in higher education. It can provide an innovative solution to the unmet challenges of traditional classroom. Using video help students learn content at their own pace and use their time in the classroom to attack difficult problems.
Aim of the study: To study the impact of a flipped classroom on academic achievement and perception among first year nursing students.
Subjects and Method: A quasi-experimental design was utilized.
Setting: The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing of Menoufia University.
Subjects: A convenient sample of all first year undergraduate students (360) who were admitted to Faculty of Nursing and were enrolled in fundamental of nursing course of the academic year 2017-2018 during the second term. They were divided alternatively and randomly into two groups, 180 for each, group I: Exposed to the flipped classroom and group
II: Exposed to the traditional lecture classroom.
Tools: 3 tools were used for data collection. Tool I: Structural interviewing questionnaire, tool II: student perception of flipped classroom and tool III: student achievement tool.The results revealed that 97.8% had a positive attitude towards flipped classroom after the first aid unit and 87.2% did not have a prior experience of flipped classroom. More than half of the study group (58.9%) were strongly agree to appreciate learning with video and about two thirds of them (63.9%) strongly agree that it was easier and more effective to learn using flipped classroom. more than two thirds of the study group (65%) were strongly agree that video made them learn more and about half of them (57.2%) strongly agree that video can replace traditional lectures completely. The mean total score of students’ achievement was 22.22 ± 5.09 and 19.77 ±5.50 among study and control group respectively.
Conclusions: Students shared in the flipped classroom (study group) achieved higher level of perception and examination scores than those in the control group.
Recommendations: Similar research should be conducted with a larger sample, in different courses, and at different levels of education, to generalize the findings.


Assiss. Prof. Amal Amin El-Sheikh. Act as clinical instructor in Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University from 28/8/1994 to 23/3/2000, Assistant lecturer from 24/4/2000 to 23/7/2004,Lecturer from 24/7/2004 to 23/10/2014 and Assistant Professor from
24/10/2014 until now.
