HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2019

Implementing essential competencies for clinical nurse faculty and preceptors with focus on working with students

Speaker at Nursing Conference - Julia Ugorji
University of Maryland, United States
Title : Implementing essential competencies for clinical nurse faculty and preceptors with focus on working with students


Problem, Purpose /Background: Essential clinical competencies for faculty and preceptors are critical to positive pedagogical environment for nursing and midwifery education. In Nigeria, clinical nursing education is faced with challenges of good working relationships between hospitals and training institutions, inadequate faculty/preceptor preparations, and inadequate faculty supervision. These challenges undermine the effectiveness of clinical learning environment and the use of preceptorship model. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the processes utilized and lessons learnt from implementing a clinical nursing faculty/preceptor competency development at Imo State University, Nigeria. Methods, Results, and Outcomes: The preceptorship and clinical teaching partnership models were used. A- 7 week project was implemented in collaboration with Imo State University (IMSU) from July through August 2017. The curriculum was first adapted and reviewed with a core group of clinical faculty from IMSU to ensure it met the required clinical context of Nigeria. A total of six models were approved for implementation. Advocacy visits were made to garner support from administrators of both the university and the teaching hospital. The host/Head, Department of Nursing at IMSU collaborated with the hospital nursing administrators to ensure preceptors from all units participated. Summary and Discussion: Existing gaps were identified such as: clinical rotation scheduling, unit notification, faculty supervision, preceptor disempowerment, communication between faculty and preceptors. The training enlightened participants on importance of preparation, and planning of clinical rotations to enable preceptors to organize appropriate student experiences. Participants worked in groups to self-identify strategies to address gaps, new faculty orientation and annual as refresher courses for faculty and preceptors. The clinical competency project was identified as “timely and enlightening” by participants. Participants were eager and ready to apply the knowledge and skills gained with better clarity in their duties and responsibilities. Preceptorship created a positive clinical environment for students, therefore is recommended for adaption in all health institutions and clinical areas.

Take Away Notes:

• State the importance of Clinical Preceptor competency program

• Identify the consequences of poor preceptor skills/competencies

• Articulate strategies to improve clinical faculty and staff nurse-preceptor collaboration for student success

• Identify and engage the audience in feedback on potential benefits of participating in global knowledge exchange/ sharing

• Review the clinical impact of Preceptors in nursing education

• Review the need to implement a structured Preceptor competency curriculum

• Review Steps utilized to implement a clinical preceptor program in Nigeria


Dr. Ugorji’s career as a nurse faculty, clinical instructor, nurse leader, and nurse educator has spanned over 25 years of nursing in United States and abroad. Her professional experience includes teaching in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs, and many years of clinical experience in diverse settings; mental health, community health, and med/surg. Dr. Ugorji is an author of several articles published with the Nigerian nurses and NBNA newsletters. She is a recipient of Carnegie foundation grant and academic scholarship awards. Dr. Ugorji has more than 15 professional presentations, participated in program development locally and internationally. Shares membership with several professional organizations and serve at different levels such as NANNNA President 2015.
