Title : Innovative learning theory for improved education outcomes in both patients and students
Understanding how adults learn will improve the effectiveness of any instruction. Nurses are expected to understand how to instruct both patients and students who most often are adult learners. The Stratified Knowledge Development Learning Model (SKDLM) is an example of a unique adult learning model that seeks to describe adult learning by recognizing how adult learners assimilate knowledge. SKDLM identifies the characteristics that are most prevalent in adults and seeks to increase learning outcomes by addressing these characteristics. Over time recognizing the value of information increases the use of the information. The SKDLM and other adult learning theories recognize and illuminate the importance of adult learning throughout a curriculum to ensure mastery. In this presentation important components of adult learning will help nurses improve approaches to educating patients and students. Important skills will be provided to ensure any nurse can incorporate innovative learning tools in adult education.
Take Away Notes:
• Nurses will identify and incorporate innovate learning theory into education practices for both patients and students
• Nurses will be provided tools that will ensure patient education is effective and exhibits increased retention of information
• Nurse educators in licensure, and post licensure programs will be provided tools that improve student outcomes and increase knowledge retention thus increasing success in achieving licensure
• This presentation will provide new and innovative learning theories that are not derived from child learning theories but instead address adult learning characteristics