Title : Post-operative emergence delirium in paediatric patients, etiology, prevention and recent research
The presentation will cover pathophysiology, incidence, risk factors and literature review and author’s research work that include risk factors and ameliorating techniques. Post-operative emergence delirium and agitation has been described in both adults and pediatric patients accounting for significant behavioral and cognitive impairment in the immediate post-operative period. The incidence in pediatric patients is high with reported 20-60% of patients developing this condition. Will review past and present research looking at prophylactic agents and techniques as well as the role of opioid and non-opioid analgesics in affecting or mitigating this condition.
Take Away Notes
: • Emergence delirium and agitation is common especially in pediatric patients with an incidence of 20-60%
. • This condition is a great dissatisfier for patients and caretakers
• Will review prophylactic treatments as well as the effect of single modal versus multi-modal analgesia on this condition
• Current literature review and results of most recent research study looking this condition under the auspices of US Food and Drug Administration
• Will review pathophysiology of this condition and similarities with adult symptomatology
• Will review how multiple disciplines can work together to improve post-operative behavioral and cognitive outcomes