Title : Promoting a healthy lifestyle: New start
Aim: The aim for this presentation is to reshape and impact society’s culture and practices for the unhealthy consumption of food products.
Backgound: Obesity is a health problem that crosses all cultures around the world. The United States of America (U.S.A.) ranks number one out of the top ten countries dealing with obesity. In addition, the U.S.A. ranks 19 out of 20 countries by obesity percentages (33.70%). Obesity affects all socio-economical statuses. Holistic nursing embraces the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the person they are in their care. The holistic nurse helps support and provides education to those patients dealing with obesity. Obesity can lead to diabetes, type II, high blood pre
ssure, lower functional levels, and respiratory problems. Education is crucial for nurses to communicate, advocate, empower, and educate patients to help enhance their healthcare.
Methods: This study consisted of analytical article reviews of the Seventh Day Adventist health ministry for attaining a healthier lifestyle. Use of Google Scholar and Wolters Kluwer databases helped in the article search from 2003 – 2018.
Results: Living healthy allots for a more fulfilling life. The Seventh Day Adventists supports the vegetarian diet and exercising which has been shown to lower the risks of cancer, lowers blood pressure, reverses diabetes, and lowers stress.
Conclusion: Living and making better nutritional choices helps with maintaining a healthier lifestyle. The NEWSTART concept is an acronym for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in Divine Power. NEWSTART falls in alignment with holistic nursing because both are a philosophy of living, which is based on fostering care, building rapport, and interconnectedness with a divine power.
Take Away Notes:
• Understanding the concepts of making healthy lifestyle changes helps the provider in educating patients in their population
• The audience will become aware of the medical problems as the result of obesity • Obesity is a worldwide problem that can lead to more serious medical conditions such as diabetes, type II and hypertension
• NEWSTART is a way of living in a move towards healthier lifestyle changes
• Incorporating holistic/faith-based practices improves the delivery of care
• Obesity has a spiral downward effect on one’s medical wellbeing, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke