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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2019

Self- efficacy for pap in Latin-American woman

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Angela Cristina Yanez Corrales
Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Ecuador
Title : Self- efficacy for pap in Latin-American woman


Cancer is a major global health problem, given the high morbidity and mortality. In Latin America and the Caribbean, CC is the second most common neoplasm in the female population with 68,000 cases in 2010. The incidence in the region is 21.2 cases per 100,000 women, reaching higher values in countries such as Peru, Paraguay, Guyana, Bolivia, Honduras, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Suriname. In Chile, indicators of CC mortality in 2008 reflected 636 cases, ranking sixth among deaths from cancer and the first place in the rate of potentially lost years of life, with 129 per 100,000 women. According to statistics, the mortality rate in 2008 reached 7.5 per 100,000 women. In 2012, 584 women died, with an adjusted mortality rate of 5.8 per 100,000 women, constituting one of the few Latin American countries with indicators lower than that established for the region. Chile manages to intervene in the evolution of the disease through increased coverage for the Pap test (PAP), however, for the period 2008-2011, coverage gradually decreased, which leads to expect negative impact on rates of mortality of these years. This decrease, and especially the uncertainty of why coverage has decreased is what opens the analysis of the causes of the low coverage of PAP, relating it to the behavioral factor “self-efficacy” and the “external factors” considered as social causes of the individual. With the aim of designing a predictive model of self-efficacy for PAP, a quantitative, predictive research was proposed as a methodological design. The results establish that the predictive characteristics of low self-efficacy correspond to women without children and women with a technical level of higher education. For women with high self-efficacy corresponds participation in preventive programs: mammography, ultrasound and visit a professional in the last year. It also establishes that the social role of the nursing professional allows executing health promotion actions through the intervention of women for screening or for the maintenance of PAP behavior.

Take Away Notes:

• Adherence to PAP in the study population

• Self-efficacy of women for PAP

• Relationship of self-efficacy with sociodemographic variables

• Results of predictive characteristics of self-efficacy against PAP

• The contribution of this research is useful because establishing a predictive model will allow proposing actions aimed at identifying women with predictive characteristics to adhere or not to the PAP and thus be able to intervene either to maintain or increase their self-efficacy.

• From the perspective of the results and considering that one of the functions of the nursing professional is to promote health, it is established that it is very important to act as a nurse from:

• The recruitment of women at any level of care, considering influential sociodemographic characteristics: Women between 36 ± 4.5 years to carry out maintenance campaigns and initiation of PAP behavior. Women under this age range and without children consider a double effort or cognitive behavioral intervention to guarantee screening and maintenance of behavior

• The recruitment of women who do not participate in the EMPA and have not had a mammogram to perform cognitive behavioral intervention to ensure PAP self-efficacy

• The intervention in women to focus on PAP behavior, when they participate in the EMPA (Preventive Medicine Exam) and perform the mammography, since it opens the doors to generate in the woman the behavior, maintenance and therefore have an impact on the adherence to screening

• The rethinking of educational campaigns which should not only focus on providing information but also on the recruitment of women to diagnose and intervene in their self-efficacy and thus achieve maintenance behavior, given that knowledge is not related to self-efficacy PAP

• Performing cognitive-behavioral interventions focused on changing unfavorable to favorable beliefs will support PAP behavior

• In this context, it is concluded that the role of nursing is fundamental to act in the promotion of health, to transform actions overcoming the biological model, and to create another operational model that overcomes preventive actions. In this case, interventions were carried out on women who presented predictive characteristics for low PAP self-efficacy, leaving aside the unique knowledge approach of health campaigns for screening

• Therefore, it is necessary to break with traditional practices and implement actions that can have an impact from our nursing knowledge, such as articulating holistic care strategies that seek to guarantee the positive concept of the person’s health

• On the other hand, commitment as a discipline in health promotion involves intervening in the management of public policies, in order to achieve changes, coming from professional role initiatives

• In the meantime, it is important that future research regarding PAP self-efficacy, can investigate the results of behavioral-behavioral program interventions to achieve women’s self-efficacy, as well as follow-up to determine if the interventions managed to maintain the behavior

• Similarly, it is important to analyze whether biological health conditions limit or activate self-efficacy

• In fact, the characterization of women from a psychosocial approach to achieve health behavior contributes to the evolution of knowledge in nursing action in the face of health problems


Doctor in nursing. Graduated from the Universidad Andrés Bello in Chile Professor of Nursing at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador since 2008, with contributions in academic work and in the area of research. Expert in the development of health diagnostics, action research, operational research, Proyect elaboration. Development areas: Public health
