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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2019

The related factor of groin hematoma post cardiac catheterization among patients in cardiac care unit in the university hospital

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Wasana Lavin
Mahidol University, Thailand
Title : The related factor of groin hematoma post cardiac catheterization among patients in cardiac care unit in the university hospital


This study was a retrospective cross-sectional of the groin hematoma in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The subjects were 73 patients who admitted in cardiac care unit (CCU) at the university hospital of Thailand during 1st January to 31st December 2015. The aim of this study was to evaluate the related factor of hematoma complication post off sheath after cardiac catheterization. The CCU’s off sheath form and the Crusade bleeding risk score were used to record the groin complication and bleeding risk score. The Chi-square test was used for analyze the relationship between hematoma complications and the association between the independent variables and hematoma complications. The groin hematoma was found 12 (16.4%). The hematoma size 1-3 cm was 9.6 % (n=7) and ≥4 cm was 6.8 % (n=5). The manual compressions 15-20 minutes and time over 20 minutes group were significantly associated with groin hematoma by OR 7.00 (95% CI: 1.30-37.44) and OR 6.36 (95% CI: 1.31-30.82) as compared with 10-14 minutes group. The finally conclusion were also found the groin complication in post coronary intervention. The prevention for reduce the complications is the most important for the patients safety

Key words: Risk factor, Groin complication, Hematoma at groin

Take Away Notes:

• I present about a retrospective cross-sectional of the groin hematoma in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in my work

• I would like to share data in my country

• I think my research would be useful with the audience


I am working at Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodindra Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand and I am acting head of Division, Intensive Care Unit. I am interested about research in working area. I feel interested in your conference.
