Title : Improper communication leads to Type 2 Diabetes
Nowadays there is an explosion in the number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the world. This unprecedented spread of this disease on the planet has consequences of interest for us: increase costs for delivering medical services, decrease life expectancy and life quality, work inefficiency. Why, how it works? The presentation will provide some insights relating to the value of communication for people’s health, how improper communication can lead to type 2 diabetes. The author used real case approaches for making a difference between the effects of people interaction in various circumstances. Her evidence indicates that the misuse of words’ energy, offensive attitudes are involved in type 2 diabetes manifestation. Communication skills influence the blood vessel's function, and subsequently unsafe interactions between individuals lead to altered blood vessel control, finally determining impaired functioning in the fragile area. Computing all factors implied in this process help us a better understanding of the disease appearance, evolution; best management of disease, the value of promotion of wellbeing at the individual, community, society level offer us great satisfaction, gratitude from the people, the community we serve up, and finally, as an ideal, their love; it will shine on our trouble time, as necessary, defining our excellence over time.