Title : Myriad words effects on the individuals
The words represent a common, valuable communication channel for the people in interaction. Word usage informs us about the difference between the individuals, and they may generate disputes, agreement, disagreement, interest, enthusiasm, standing ovation, restlessness, turbulence, fight, peaceful moments, relaxation, appreciation. The feelings determined by the words, transmitter[s] influence the individual’s health; it can be improved, maintained, or declined, according to the content distribution, context, the individual understanding, their energy value interacting. People have to be aware of offensive discussions; inappropriate words’ energy effects on the blood vessels' functioning have to be considered. The words’ battle forces may destroy fragile areas of the individual, making him/her more vulnerable. By contrast the right, kind words act in opposite directions; they may resonate with you, harmonizing your mind-sets. Helpful, suitable words, images created with them assist us for a better emotional state, and enhance the understanding of the realities, universe. Magnificent word composition energizes, inspires us. Bright stars in this zone delight us; their words act as a miracle on the body's functioning. The people have to explore and use the words’ energy, meaning for their health, interest. The author will use the data from her evidence for a better understanding of the varied words’ energy effects on the individual[s], how they may change the human working energetic picture