Title : Standardizing seizure assessment and documentation
The purpose of this evidence-based project was to determine if standardized assessment, interventions, and documentation of seizures improves patient outcomes. Seizures are a complex symptom of an underlying disease process and can be debilitating for patients. If not treated promptly and appropriately, seizures may result in “cardiorespiratory distress,” impaired neurological functioning, and decreased quality of life (Maguire et al., 2020). When seizures occur in the acute healthcare facility, nurses are often the first to respond and maintain patient safety during the episode. Nurses are also responsible for assessing and documenting the seizure activity that occurred. The findings were disseminated to an interprofessional team at an acute care facility with recommendations for the implementation of a standardized seizure assessment, intervention, and documentation tool to assist the interprofessional team to interpret characterics of the documented seizure activity and determine effective interventions for the patient. The addition of a screening tool for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures was included at the recommendation of the interprofessional team.