HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2022

Supporting nursing documentation in the ehr – icn and snomed international collaboration

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Ian Green
SNOMED International, United Kingdom
Title : Supporting nursing documentation in the ehr – icn and snomed international collaboration


New developments in healthcare continue to develop at a fast rate. With these developments come a series of challenges. Supporting healthcare practice currently is driven mainly by evidence-based practice, with a reliance on interpreting the evidence into guidelines and patient pathways. But with the advent of genetic screening techniques and other developments, future healthcare delivery is moving to a personalized delivery model.  This move, whilst improving the care of the individual patient, also requires access to a good deal of patient data collected through electronic healthcare record systems (EHRs). The large-scale collection of data also requires an underlying coding system, that is computer processable and shareable, to allow real-time data analysis to inform clinician practice and the broader population-based analysis.

SNOMED CT is a global controlled clinical terminology that works within EHR systems, to provide accurate coded clinical information, which is shareable between systems and across borders using translations. SNOMED CT also supports working with other existing classifications and terminologies and has been working since 2016 with the International Council of Nurses (ICN) on the alignment of SNOMED CT and ICNP (International Classification of Nursing Practice.

The workshop will provide an overview of SNOMED CT structure and functionality, and importantly, why these factors are important for current and future nursing practice. The workshop will also explain the work undertaken to date with ICN and provide a detailed explanation of the work involved and what has been delivered. The future working relationship between ICN and SNOMED will also be discussed, and how this can support nursing in the changing world of healthcare.


Ian is based in the UK and has worked for SNOMED International for the last 10years in a variety of roles. Ian’s current role covers Customer Relations management for Europe, leading Clinical Engagement activities and a particular focus on developing SNOMED CT’s capacity to support Genomics developments globally.

He is a nurse by background, who moved into healthcare management in both primary and secondary care sectors, and then into Health Informatics. Previously, he worked for the NHS in the UK, authoring both READ codes and SNOMED CT for over 10 years. In addition to a general interest in all areas of health informatics, he has a particular interest in engaging with clinicians to develop a clinical terminology that meets the requirements of all clinicians globally that can transform the way healthcare is delivered for the benefit of patients. Ian obtained an MSc in Quality in Healthcare, focusing on the implementation of evidence-based medicine and clinical governance, with a particular emphasis on quality management processes.
