Title : Nurse resilence and keeping nurses at the bedside
This literature review will look at the factors influencing staff nurse turnover and identify strategies that enhance nurse resilience to keep professional nurses at the bedside. The information review can assist nurses to prepare for the demands of bedside nursing and provide supportive tools to prevent burnout and build resilience for satisfaction in bedside nursing. Comprehensive strategies need identified to recruit and retain professional nurses within an organization (Efendi, Kurniati, Bushy, Gunawan, 2019). The goal is how to foster resilience for nurses to stay at the bedside to provide holistic care.
Identification of problematic issues that lead to nurses quitting a job is multifactorial and includes issues such as unit culture, team dynamics, leadership style of the manager and short staffing. Clearly a professional nurse will face adversity, it is the method of recovery that is the issue. The literature clearly identifies a myriad of issues, yet many studies fail in methodologies to encourage nurses to stay at the bedside for greater nurse self-satisfaction. It is noted that 35-60%% of nurses leave their first place of employment within one year of hire (VanCamp, Chappy 2017). The reason behind the exodus and workplace adversity is frustration with administration support, high patient-nurse staffing ratios, lack of team support and last the inability to feel confident in nursing care delivery (Jackson, Firtko & Edenborough 2007).
In 2005, The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses published 6 criteria that are necessary for a healthy work environment: communication, leadership, appropriate staffing, decision making, recognition and collaboration (Erenstein, McCaffrey 2007). Factors that influence the work environment are directly associated with greater nurse satisfaction and retention in the present nursing position. Ultimately, organizations need to foster a climate of mutual trust and recognition that will in turn foster staff nurse satisfaction and build resilience and staying power.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- Discuss common themes of nurse turnover and correction methods.
- Strategies to build nurse resilience.
- How to foster nurse flexible wellbeing and hardiness.