Title : The need for substance use disorder education to be incorporated into BSN curriculum
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) numbers continue to rise in the general population as well as among nurses. To date, there is no requirement for a SUD course or module to be included in the BSN curriculum. BSN students have identified numerous hurdles including identifying SUD patients, ability to properly care for SUD patients, and stigma regarding SUD patients. There is also concern about diversion for nurses once in the workforce. BSN students would likely benefit from education while in their nursing programs to be better prepared once in the workforce. Previous research has shown an improvement in BSN students’ confidence after having a course on SUD; however, there has been no formalized requirement for incorporation into programming. There should be an introduction in SUD added to the curriculum of all BSN programs. This will enable nursing students to properly care for their patients suffering from SUD as well as be able to recognize the signs of addiction to aid in the prevention of diversion.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- Understand impact of SUD
- Recognize SUD signs in co-workers
- Enhanced ability to take care of SUD patients