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8th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 17-19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA

October 17 -19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA
NWC 2024

Developing and feasibility testing a novel intervention to promote self- management for Jordanian patients presenting with an Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and Type 2 diabetes (T2D)

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Mu ath Tanash
The Hashemite University, Jordan
Title : Developing and feasibility testing a novel intervention to promote self- management for Jordanian patients presenting with an Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and Type 2 diabetes (T2D)


Background: The self-management education and support are cornerstones in the treatment of patients with T2D and ACS. However, interventions to promote integrated self-management behaviors in those patients have not been explored nor implemented in practice. This limits such patients' outcome and quality of life significantly.

Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the novel Diabetes Cardiac Self-Management (DCSM) Intervention for patients with T2D and ACS after an acute coronary event, in the context of a Jordanian healthcare setting.

Methods: Combining aspects of the Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation, with the information sources for improving patient’s self-efficacy and the teach-back educational method produced a "triple-pillared" theory-based intervention strategy and guide accurate measurement of outcomes. Evidences from a systematic review of the literature, 17 interviews with patients and 6 focus group interviews with professionals used to inform the development of the novel DCSM intervention. The intervention consisted of three in-hospital education sessions and one follow-up supportive phone call and several supportive tools. A mixed methods design with pre and post evaluation were adopted for this feasibility study to measure related primary and secondary outcomes. Recruitment capability, the participants' characteristics, the acceptability and suitability of the DCSM intervention, the participants’ clinical, cognitive and psychological outcomes were evaluated.

Results: 20 patients were successfully recruited over 9 weeks, with high recruitment and retention rates. The study procedures and intervention were feasible to deliver and highly acceptable to participants. Preliminary evaluation of the intervention shows promise and improve participants coping strategies, confidence and self-efficacy, and minimize their confusion and frustration after an acute coronary event

Conclusion(s): In a healthcare setting in which those with two serious, long-term conditions receive no routine education or support to enable them to manage their conditions, this study has provided a foundation upon which effective interventions can be developed in future.

Audience Take Away:

  • This study contributes new knowledge to the field. In terms of achieving best practice, it develops a novel and integrated self-management intervention for patients with T2D and ACS in systematic way, using the best available evidence and appropriate theoretical approaches and teaching method
  • Help audience to improve the care of patients with T2D and ACS, highlight areas for improvement in current policies and protocols and help in determining the direction of future health educational interventions for patients with T2D and ACS.


Dr. Mu'ath Tanash is an Assistant Professor and Head of Adult Health Nursing Department at the Hashemite University - School of Nursing, Jordan. He earned his PhD from the University of Ulster at Belfast (UK), Master of Advanced Nursing from Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), and Bachelor Science of Nursing from Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. He has an experience as a cardiovascular specialist nurse, including 5 years as an educator, researcher and assistant dean of the nursing faculty in the associate, bachelor and master's levels of nursing education. His research interests include nursing cardiovascular care and chronic illness management and measurement of educational outcomes, with research focus on improving knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of patients with chronic illness through designing and improving patient-centered self-management interventions, health literacy levels, and measuring the feasibility of nursing interventions by mix-methods studies. Dr. Tanash has several publications on his area of research and has presented his research at various local and international conferences and journals.
