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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2024

Direct care amplified: Biobutton unleashed

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Brian Ace Mones
Houston Methodist Hospital, United States
Title : Direct care amplified: Biobutton unleashed


Purpose: The purpose of this Quality Improvement (QI) project, involving the implementation of the Biobutton in the acute care units, was to compare the average time staff spent on monitoring vital signs and the time devoted to directing patient care before and after the utilization of the Biobutton.

Relevance/Significance: Biobutton is poised to revolutionize the gathering and management of patient data. Its wireless connectivity to electronic patient records not only streamlines staff workflows but also marks a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery. This technological advancement translates to improved patient care, a substantial reduction in staff workload, and an overall enhancement of healthcare outcomes. The Biobutton represents a pivotal step towards a more efficient and patient-centric healthcare future.

Strategy/Implementation/Methods: The Juran Trilogy served as the framework for this QI project, with a focus on implementing Biobutton in April 2023. Designing the QI project using the Juran Trilogy included:(1) planning, (2) control, and (3) improvement. Survey questions centered on self-reported average hours for monitoring vital signs and direct patient care within a 12-hour shift before and after Biobutton use. Distributed in paper and online formats, 20 patient care assistants (PCAs) completed the survey. A paired t-test compared mean hours, with a p-value < 0.05 indicating statistical significance.

Evaluation/Outcomes/Results: The Biobutton implementation in acute care units demonstrated robust outcomes. PCAs experienced a substantial 30% reduction in time spent on vital signs monitoring, reflecting the efficiency gained through Biobutton integration. This change was statistically significant, highlighting the impactful enhancement in workflow. Moreover, the Biobutton’s influence on direct patient care was equally compelling, with a notable 17% increase observed. The statistical significance of this change underscores the positive shift in PCA focus towards more dedicated and attentive patient care.

Conclusions/Implications: Moving from traditional vital signs monitoring to tech-driven solutions not only streamlines processes but empowers staff to deliver more direct patient care. This tech integration signals a future where staff leverage innovation to prioritize patient well-being, elevating overall care quality.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The audience will be able to consider embracing the groundbreaking innovation of the Biobutton as the cutting-edge method for monitoring vital signs – a revolution in healthcare technology.
  • This project is a pioneering endeavor centered on the transformative technology of the Biobutton, seamlessly integrated into patient care and staff monitoring routines. By enabling wireless hourly monitoring of vital signs, automatically syncing with EMR, the biobutton emerges as a game-changer. The outcomes are striking – significantly reduced time spent on vital signs monitoring, liberating healthcare professionals to dedicate more to hands-on patient care.


Brian Ace J. Mones, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN, MEDSURG-BC, CNRN, SCRN, holds a Master’s Degree in Nursing Administration (2016) and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2007) from Central Philippine University. With over 13 years of extensive nursing experience, his expertise spans neuro and general critical care, acute care, and nursing education. Currently, he serves as an educator for neurology and neurosurgery acute care units, specializing in staff education, training, and professional development. A recognized subject matter expert in neuroscience, he serves as a clinical resource, skill validator, simulation facilitator, neuro examination reviewer, and course lecturer. His dedication to nursing education has earned him the 2024 Good Samaritan Foundation’s Excellence in Nursing Award (Clinical Educator) and recognition as one of Houston’s Top 200 Nurses (2024).
