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9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2024

Effectiveness of quick relaxation technique on pain associated with chest tube removal among post-operative CABG patients

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Jilmy Anu Jose
College of Nursing, India
Title : Effectiveness of quick relaxation technique on pain associated with chest tube removal among post-operative CABG patients



The current burden of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in India is more than 32 million. Chest tube removal is a common procedure in critical care units and post coronary care units and is associated with moderate to severe pain. The pain management protocols remains unsatisfactory for most patients and researchers recommends development and introduction of new protocols. Even with pharmacological management, most patients remember chest removal as a painful and discontented moment. Advanced practice registered nurses remove chest tubes most often. The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of quick relaxation technique on chest tube removal for reducing the pain levels experienced by patients and also adopting it as a routine practice in cardiac surgical units. 

Methodology: An experimental approach with two groups quasi experimental pretest /post test research design was used which was evaluatory in nature. Study population consisted of hospitalized patients planned for CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass grafting). 60 subjects were selected by simple random sampling technique and allotted to experimental and control group by lottery method. Quick relaxation technique was implemented to experimental group patients along with the regular protocol before drain removal and control group patients underwent the regular protocol followed in surgical ICU. Structured assessment tool was developed and used for data collection, which consisted of demographic data, information related to chest tube and numerical rating scale for pain assessment. 

Results: Out of the 60 subjects majority were in the age group 60-70years (43.33%) in experimental and (40%) in control group. Majority of the subjects were males, 63.33% in control and 80% in experimental group. 73.33% in control group and 70% in experimental group had severe pain pre procedure. 80% in control group had moderate post procedure pain and 86.6 % had mild pain. Control group had mean post procedure pain score of 5.1+ 1.14 whereas Experimental group had mean pain score of 3.7+ 1.05. Quick relaxation technique was highly effective in reducing the pain level while removing chest tube drain of post CABG patients. (Unpaired t test value of 5.6394 with df 58, P< .0001)

Conclusion: The study will be useful in identifying quick relaxation technique as an important intervention in reducing pain associated with chest tube removal. Quick relaxation technique can be used as a routine practice before chest tube removal in the cardiac surgical unit. Hospitals and nursing institutes should prepare guidelines for quick relaxation technique along with routine pharmacological management during chest tube removal for better patient satisfaction.


Lt Col Jilmy Anu Jose, Assoc professor, College of Nursing, INHS, Asvini Mumbai, completed Post Basic BSc (N) in 2008 and MSc Nursing in 2012 from College of Nursing, AFMC Pune under MUHS. Secured Brig PY Wad Gold medal for first position in MSc Nursing. Received PhD nursing from JJT University in the year 2020. Also did PGDBA (Human Resources) from symbiosis institute of management, Pune. Worked as a clinical nurse for 10 years and as an academician for 12 years.  Is an examiner for AFMS, MUHS and Delhi University. Received many awards in research presentation in National Nursing Conferences and also has many research publications in national and international journals.
