Title : Establishing a systems-based approach for mastery learning of IV therapy and ultrasound guided peripheral catheter insertions
As more and more clinicians seek to improve skills with IV Therapy peripheral catheter insertions, and with the use of ultrasound-guided applications, facilities are striving to establish education with a level of quality and accountability for these procedures. Attention is needed to establish understanding and optimal training practices, allowing clinicians to achieve high-level competency. Mastery learning principles applied to skills-based training provide a systematic educational process that includes education, simulation and competency validation. The modular skill acquisition approach allows the learner to step through each phase of learning and demonstrate minimal performance skills, resulting in the assurance of patient safety for fewer attempts that drive a higher level of IV success. Training incorporating blended online education with hands-on simulation skills training enhances the achievement of knowledge, leading to better understanding, application of knowledge and insertion performance. Mastery learning processes and scores are used to guide objective evaluation by the preceptor and establish learner accountability in documenting successful performance. This systematic process of learning applied to IV Therapy and ultrasound-guided peripheral catheter insertion, follows established evidence from mastery learning processes incorporating levels of achievement and accountability. This presentation will contrast and describe common training processes and applied methods of skill acquisition, including standardized training with skill performance, documentation of performance scoring, and completion of training with pre-and post-test confidence evaluation, which serves to rocket the clinician and facility to the best outcomes for patients.
Audience Take Away:
- Identify skills-based training methods that incorporate Mastery Learning principles
- Define the advantages of blended education with simulation modules that promote proficiency
- Apply examples of education and training for IV peripheral catheter and ultrasound-guided insertions that incorporate performance criteria leading to higher quality and patient safety
- Describe how blended online education and Mastery Learning processes can incorporate train-the-trainer principles to perpetuate continuous training within facilities