Title : Implementing a resiliency bundle to reduce registered nurse burnout
Background: Registered nurses in hospital settings are experiencing unprecedented levels of job-related burnout due to the emotional stress of constantly caring for those who are ill or dying amidst a crippling nursing shortage and the aftermath of a worldwide pandemic. Burnout among registered nurses leads to poor job satisfaction, increased nursing position vacancies, and poor outcomes for patients. Increased resiliency has been shown to protect against the negative effects of burnout.
Objectives: This quasi-experimental pre/post pilot study aims to increase nurse resiliency, reduce nurse burnout, and improve the work environment for registered nurses.
Methods: The intervention included a mobile meditation toolbox with QR links to soothing sounds, mediations, yoga practices, and VR experiences. A positivity shout-out was also incorporated at the start of each shift during staff huddle sessions, and a suggestion box was made available to staff for a 6-week period to provide feedback, concerns, comments, or frustrations regarding the medical progressive unit. Additionally, the existing mediation room was improved with a sound machine, aromatherapy, lights, and coloring materials. Burnout was measured and assessed using a pre- and post-intervention survey with the Burnout Syndrome Assessment Scale (BOSAS).
Results: This is an ongoing project. Preliminary results will be available in July 2024, with final results expected in August 2024.
Conclusions: By measuring the feasibility and utilization of a resiliency bundle among registered nurses, I hope to gather feedback on the intervention and consider potential long-term sustainability of the resiliency bundle.