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HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 27-29, 2025

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2024

Improving nurse-patient communication about new medications using electronic alert and medication administration monitoring process

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Harriet A Sarkodie
Hackensack University Medical Cennter, United States
Title : Improving nurse-patient communication about new medications using electronic alert and medication administration monitoring process


Low Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (HCAHPS) scores on communication about new medication on a medical surgical unit was uncovered in an organizational needs assessment, where patients indicated that they were not satisfied with their hospital experience because they were not informed about the indications and side effects of new medications. HCAHPS scores were consistently low averaging 20-50% and below organizational benchmark of 75% or greater. Amidst a fast-paced setting, increased patient acuity, staffing shortage, inexperience nurses, and increase workload, it was critical to address the low HCAHPS scores, and one action plan was to use electronic alert in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to remind nurses to educate patients on new medication. The goal of the project was to improve the consistency of nurse communication about new medications to patients improve HCAHPS scores. The quality improvement project addressed the following PICOT question; in patients on a 41-bed Medical Surgical (P), what was the effects of creating an electronic visual alert to remind nurses to educate patients on new medications (I) compared to no electronic alert (C) have on HCAHPS scores (O) within 3 months (T)? The project created an electronic alert in the EMR that reminded nurses to consistently educate patients to improve their knowledge on new medications. A medication administration monitoring process that ensured that the medication administration process was done correctly was also instituted. Before the project, there was nothing to remind nurses to communicate about new medications to patients. Should the nurse forget to provide information on medications due to work overload or competing priories, then the patient did not receive any information on their new medications. A new medication generated an alert in the EHR that reminded nurses to educate patients before administration. Also, a medication administration monitoring process was instituted that allowed nurses to observe each other educate patients to ensure that the process was done correctly, and that the patient understood the information provided. Participants included unit nurses, all patients 18 years and older receiving care on the unit, the unit manager, and the information technology team who created the electronic alert. The project was a pre and post intervention project implemented from April 4, 2023, to June 23, 2023. It took place at a large medical center in northern New Jersey.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Participants will learn the use of electronic alert in the electronic medical record to remind clinicians to consistently educate patients on new medication
  • Participants will learn how to improve clinician workflow with the use of information technology
  • Participants will learn how to use teach back technique to improve patient knowledge about new medications
  • Participants will learn how to improve clinician engagement with the use of information technology


Harriet A. Sarkodie is an Education Specialist at Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey. Her responsibilities include providing educational support to night staff. She supervises clinical orientation of nurse residents/new nurses and validates their skills during clinical orientation. She provides consultative support to in-patient adult nurses and nursing leadership. She has served as a clinical instructor for undergraduate and graduate level courses for over 17 years including senior and graduate students. She focuses on professional role, teaching strategies, curriculum, evaluation, simulation, and technology, and research. She has provided oral and poster presentations at organizational, local, and national conferences.
