HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 17-19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA

October 17 -19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA
NWC 2024

Sense of cohrence of nursing undergraduates and its associated factors: A latent profile analysis

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - DuDu Zhang
Zhengzhou University, China
Title : Sense of cohrence of nursing undergraduates and its associated factors: A latent profile analysis


Sense Of Cohrence is crucial for the mental health and professional development of nursing students, and enhancing the level of Sense Of Cohrence among these students is vital for stabilizing the nursing workforce. However, current research primarily focuses on the overall level of Sense Of Cohrence and its relationship with other variables, neglecting the inter-individual heterogeneity.

Objective: To identify distinct subgroups of Sense Of Cohrence among undergraduate nursing students and to explore the related influencing factors for each subgroup.

Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted from May to June 2020 using a convenient sampling method among 1251 nursing students. Participants completed the Sense Of Cohrence Scale, Professional Identity Scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, and a general demographic questionnaire. Latent profile analysis was employed to explore the subgroups of Sense Of Cohrence among nursing students, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with Sense Of Cohrence.

Results: The study identified four potential subtypes of Sense Of Cohrence among undergraduate nursing students: the low sensitivity-low coping subgroup (25.7%), the high sensitivity-high coping subgroup (29.7%), the moderate sensitivity-moderate coping subgroup (17.8%), and the high sensitivity-low coping subgroup (26.8%). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that family economic status, high school subject choice, religious belief, perception of having good interpersonal relationships, sense of meaning in life, and professional identity were factors influencing Sense Of Cohrence among undergraduate nursing students.

Audience Take Away:

  • Demonstrate to the audience how latent profile analysis can categorize the Sense Of Cohrence among undergraduate nursing students into several classes.
  • Explain to the audience what characteristics are associated with nursing students who have a lower level of Sense Of Cohrence.
  • Discuss how sociodemographic characteristics and personal factors (professional identity and sense of meaning in life) influence different subgroups of undergraduate nursing students.


DuDu Zhang is studying in the nursing program at Zhengzhou University and is currently in her second year of graduate studies. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in July 2021. During her studies, she has invented one software copyright and published one SCI paper as the second author, as well as four Chinese core journals as the second author.
