Title : The lost art of assessment: “Hands on” versus “Hands off”
As we move forward leaving the past health pandemic behind, let us take a moment to consider the importance of performing physical assessment in the clinical setting. Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on your last health interaction, both as a nurse provider and as a patient. Think back to the last time you provided care, which physical parameters did you perform? Think back to the last time you received care, which physical parameters did your healthcare provider perform? We will look at both history of practice and evidence-based research to help support the need for physical assessment in the clinical environment. We will also focus on the critical need for nurses and healthcare providers to sharpen, refine and implement physical assessment skills. The basic tenets of physical assessment need to emerge as the foundation for nursing practice. This goes beyond the components of inspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion and leads to the integration of signs/symptoms whereby one can use critical thinking/clinical decision making. Applying critical thinking/ clinical decisions leads to the synthesis of differential diagnosis which in turn helps to quantify delivery of care. Nurses are in a critical position to help promote improved patient outcomes by actively interacting with their patients and using their physical senses as part of their practice modality. So, let us re-energize clinical nursing practice by using a “hands on” approach in the interaction delivery of care. Think beyond the computer interface and electronic health care documentation (EHR) system and focus on the application of nursing care.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- Identify components of the clinical assessment.
- Reflect on “Hands on” versus “Hands off” approaches.
- Discuss clinical assessment from both a historical and evidence-based perspective.
- Explore best practice methods to enhance assessment in clinical practice settings.