Title : The male nurse survival guide
How to survive the wild and dangerous profession of nursing. Nine out of ten nurses are women which means as a male nurse we are the minority. Nursing is a woman’s world, but we can thrive if we know how to survive. I have seen many male nurses get eaten alive out there. This presentation will be fun and educational look at nursing we aren’t taught in nursing school. This is for anyone in the profession whether you are brand new or a seasoned pro. Chris will teach you important skills that you were not taught in school. It was all learned over seventeen years of direct training on the front lines since he was twenty years old. The information and knowledge you receive here will be immediately helpful in your career no matter where you work or what stage of your career. The first stage will be what it is like working in a female dominated field. Why do some men succeed and others fail miserably? Chris will teach you about the jungle and how the lionesses rule this jungle. We will talk about the most important aspects of the job such as time management and what makes a good nurse a great nurse. Chris will then discuss the frustrations of nursing, why people are leaving and how to survive the burnout. The profession is evolving and we need to keep up. After years of working in direct patient care Chris will share how to deal with the most difficult patients and not end up in jail. There is a skill to this and it can make all the difference in the world for you and your patients. This presentation will be fun and informative no matter your gender, experience or current area of nursing.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- How do you survive the world of women
- How do you manage your time and stop getting overwhelmed
- Why are nurses leaving the profession
- How do you survive the burn out and frustration
- How do you deal with the most difficult patients and not end up in jail