Title : Artificial Intelligence in theranostics; Remediating WMR-associated challenges in nursing Canada 2024
Prolonged waiting periods, Nurse-to-patient ratio imbalances, and the associated mental health complications among the nurses are some of the major challenges in the healthcare system of Canada in 2024 1-3. Where the implications of the Artificial intelligence (AI) and its innovative solutions has successfully addressed these issues by enhancing operational efficiency by almost 20% 4, improving patient care, and alleviating the burden on healthcare professionals while reducing the cost by almost (1/5)5. This current study focused on the practical implementations of Artificial Intelligence in nursing, with a focus on applications, challenges, and ethical considerations. With an insight of the Canadian and Global perspective, this study provides a framework for AI integration in healthcare from publication, nursing profession, and nursing as an overall to ensure better outcomes for patients and professionals alike.