Title : Using duffy quality-caring model and smart medical care to provide holistic health care - A case study of breast cancer plasty
Objective: AI/Smart Medical Care is rapidly advancing in healthcare to provide comprehensive care through collaborative, cross-team care. The Duffy quality-caring model will be implemented in nursing to improve patient-centered care and healthcare quality.
Methods: A patient underwent mastectomy and radiation therapy for breast cancer. The radiation caused inflammation and pain in the right breast. Collaborative medical teams performed a second surgery and utilized technology to monitor wound treatment, aiming to improve healthcare quality and address issues like depression, anxiety, and pain.
Results: Before the visit on 7/29, the mood thermometer BSRS-5 evaluated 10 points to resolve emotion distress; 7/30 10-scale evaluates the 7 point pain intensity, the right breast was 4x4cm; 8/1 the pain intensity 6 points, e-book relieved by taking deep breaths, initiate discussion about wound care, precautions with tongue, BSRS-5: 6 points; 8/5 assessed pain intensity:0 point, BSRS-5:4 points, proactively discussed wound care and discharge preparation with tongue; discharged on 8/11. The pre-assessment pain intensity down t: 0 point, BSRS-5:3 points with no emotion distress. The wound database showed the size was 4x4cm outside the scope. After the sutures removed, the recovery went well. The patient is thankful for our help and wrote the care questionnaire done with the smile on his face.
Conclusion: This article promotes combining the Duffy quality care model with smart medical practices to treat pain and anxiety-related health issues for better patient care.