Title : Utilizing gamification to enhance staff satisfaction and engagement in learning
Relevant data was collected from staff nurses and management through a needs assessment to address education and practice gaps for annual competency management. This significant data was then used to develop a structured curriculum, and engaging techniques of gamification were incorporated into the learning process for all inpatient nursing staff. Content, including mobility and falls, was gamified using Tornado, focused on teams correctly answering questions and scoring the most points amidst the possibility of losing all points or points being stolen. Restraint content was gamified using a live game-based platform that had staff utilize their mobile devices as answering devices and ended with one winner who answered correctly and in the quickest time. Jeopardy was the gaming tool used to educate staff on Central Line Associate Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI), which engaged staff as teams with the goal of scoring the most points. Stoke dysphagia screening content was presented using a Family Feud format, with two teams competing to provide the most popular answers. All members of the staff were regarded with equal respect and were actively involved in every facet of the learning process. Their contributions and perspectives were valued, creating an inclusive and collaborative environment for learning and growth. Following the completion of the gamified annual competency assessment, all staff members were requested to provide an anonymous overall rating. The analysis revealed a noteworthy increase of 15% in overall satisfaction levels compared to the preceding year. This indicates that the implementation of gamification significantly enhanced the inpatient staff's overall satisfaction.