HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 17-19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA

October 17 -19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA
NWC 2024

Behavior-based interview simulation: Preparing undergraduate students for job interviews

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Katy Bartlett
Baylor Louise Herrington School of Nursing, United States
Title : Behavior-based interview simulation: Preparing undergraduate students for job interviews


As part of the Nursing Leadership and Management undergraduate course, the students participate in a behavioral-based interview simulation.  Prior to the simulation, students are asked to prepare a resume and cover letter, learn about the mission, vision, and values of the hospital and department where they hope to work immediately after graduation, and come prepared to ask 3 questions of the interviewer/professor at the end of the interview. Each student is then interviewed individually using behavior-based interview questions, such as “Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your peer or supervisor. How was it resolved?” For the students to hear multiple questions and answers, each student is given a different set of questions. After the interviewer/professor asks three to four questions, the student then asks their prepared questions. This is an excellent opportunity for their peers to hear their questions and it gives the interviewer/professor an opportunity to provide feedback on their questions.  After the interview portion is completed, the group debriefs the simulation experience beginning with what went well. The interviewer/professor points out at least one positive response from each student in the simulation. The debrief also consists of constructive feedback on some of the responses received. For example, if the student spoke negatively about a prior manager, or if a student did not articulate his or her response well, the interviewer/professor provides them with strategies on how to best respond to that type of question in the future. Student feedback for this simulation activity is extremely positive. Evaluations of the simulation include, “This is one of the most effective simulations I’ve experienced” and “I now feel better prepared for the interview process.” This simulation experience prepares students for the job interview process in a safe environment, provides them with knowledge of the interview process, teaches them about leadership skills and the hiring process, prepares them to know how to respond to behavioral-based interview questions, and prepares them to ask thoughtful questions that differentiate them from other candidates.  

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Educators will learn how to prepare undergraduate nursing students for competitive RN residency positions.
  • This presentation will provide a template for an interview simulation with questions hiring managers use during the interview process.
  • This presentation provides insight into the types of questions that are best asked of the interviewee at the end of the interview.
  • Increases students’ confidence in their interview skills. 


Dr. Katy Bartlett has been a Registered Nurse for 22 years. Dr. Bartlett is Nursing Faculty at Baylor University. Her nursing background is in cardiac care, obstetrics, and nursing leadership. She holds two national nursing certifications: inpatient obstetrical nurse (RNC-OB) and Nurse Executive Advanced – Board Certified (NEA-BC). Dr. Bartlett’s DNP focused on training charge nurses as frontline nurse leaders to reduce nurse burnout and improve patient care. Dr. Bartlett serves on the Peer Review & Mentoring committees for Baylor University, and she is the Vice President of the Eta Gamma chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. 
