HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 17-19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA

October 17 -19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA
NWC 2024

Hepatitis C virus infection among patients as a risk factor of occupational exposure of nurses in Poland

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Lidia Sierpiska
Military Clinical Hospital No. 1 with Polyclinic, Poland
Title : Hepatitis C virus infection among patients as a risk factor of occupational exposure of nurses in Poland


Infection with hepatitis C virus (hepatitis C) is an important medical and social problem in Poland and worldwide. According to the reports by the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in ?ód?, Poland, the majority of cases of infection with HCV or HBV were due to occupational infection in Polish hospitals. The routes of infection with HCV are various types of damage (disruption) of tissue continuity, and contact with infected blood, e.g. medical procedures and occupational exposure). The daily professional activities of nurses expose them to the risk of injuries and contact with infected material. Due to the use of needles and other sharp instruments, this group is more likely to be at risk of tissue disruption and infection with blood-borne pathogens - HCV. The professional groups among medical personnel most frequently exposed are nurses (60.2%) and doctors (26.5%). The tool responsible for the largest number of needlesticks was the needle (73.2%). HCV antibodies (anti-HCV) were found among the examined medical staff, including nurses, e.g. in 2009 (1.40%); 2011 (1.42%); and in 2013 (0.80%). Considering the risk of infection with HCV among nurses and other medical staff it is necessary to observe the procedures of prevention of occupational exposure, proper management of employees after occupational exposure (immediate laboratory tests of the employee and the patient, post-exposure prophylactic administration of immunoglobulin or antiviral agents). Considering a high risk of infection with HCV in medical facilities among nurses and other medical staff it is necessary to conduct a wide range of non-specific methods of prevention – lack of specific methods.

Audience Take Away:

  • Expand knowledge concerning health risk associated with HCV infection.
  • Strengthen knowledge about the routes of HCV infection - especially in the medical environment.
  • Draw nurses' attention to the prevention of hospital-acquired infections due to HCV.
  • Motivate nurses to follow procedures after occupational exposure to infectious biological material.


Dr Lidia Sierpińska, Master of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Specialist in public health and in the field of epidemiological nursing. 33 years of experience as a Head nurse in the Military Clinical Hospital No.1 with Polyclinic, Independent Public Health Care Unit, Lublin, Poland. 14 years experience as the Plenipotentiary Commander for quality management systems. 18 years adjunct at the Radom School of Higher Education in the nursing specialty. She was the National consultant for defence in the field of nursing for 16 years. 3 years adjunct at Vincent Pol University in Lublin in the nursing specialty.
