HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of Nursing World Conference

October 17-19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA

October 17 -19, 2024 | Baltimore, USA
NWC 2024

Kimberly Heflin

Speaker at Nursing Conferences - Kimberly Heflin
Columbus State University, United States
Title : Stress reduction techniques among new grade nurses


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of stress-reduction techniques on new grad nurses. The rationale for the study was to evaluate whether new grads can experience diminished stress levels when they practice taught stress reduction techniques. 
Method: A mixed methods study that included 6 new grad nurses working for less than 12 months in a nurse residency program since graduation. Data collection was done before using paper-based questionnaires and after training using questionnaires formatted into Google Forms and shared to participants' emails. 
Results: Many new grads evaluated after the training were practicing deep breathing techniques (83.3%) while other techniques practiced were stretching exercises (50%), leisure (50%), and positive thinking (50%). None reported practicing yoga, massage, cognitive behavioral therapy, and professional assistance. New grad nurses reported that nurse training on stress reduction techniques helped them manage and reduce stress, cope, find focus, re-center themselves, and achieve a sense of calm and control.
Conclusions: The implications of this study are to provide tremendous promise that stress reduction techniques and training on the same can improve new grads’ general well-being and job performance. This informs nurse managers and organizations to support new grad nurses by facilitating training on stress reduction techniques to address nursing-related stress.
