Title : Trust: Strategies to cultivate a high-trust culture for sustained system improvement
Trust across healthcare is fragile but a critical component in consistently delivering high quality, patient- centered care. Investing time and resources to build a high-trust culture between executives, nursing leaders, frontline leaders, staff, and clinicians will lead to improved safety and reduction in avoidable harm. Nursing leaders face the challenge of investigating errors and events that occur in the departments they lead. While unintentional, on occasion these errors result in avoidable harm. Unfortunately, avoidable harm continues to occur at alarming rates and the focus continues to be on fixing the individuals involved in the errors rather than looking deeply at the system in which the error occurred. Focusing on individuals deflects the contribution of the system that supported the mishap to take place. During this session, nursing leaders will learn effective strategies when responding to error that build trust across the organization. Participants will learn how trust influences reporting and how a high-trust culture leads to meaningful learning and sustained improvement. Presenters will provide an interactive session that includes strategies and practical tools participants can take back to their organizations.