The nursing specialty known as "critical care nursing" is dedicated to providing the best care possible to patients who are critically sick or unstable as a result of serious accidents, operations, or life-threatening illnesses. An extensive range of settings and specialties, including general intensive care units, medical intensive care units, surgical intensive care units, trauma intensive care units, coronary care units, cardiothoracic intensive care units, burns units, paediatrics, and some trauma centre emergency departments, are where critical care nurses can be found working. With the use of endotracheal intubation and/or titratable vasoactive intravenous medicines, these professionals often care for severely sick patients who need mechanical breathing. ICU nurses are also referred to as critical care nurses. They care for unstable, critically sick patients who need more regular nurse evaluations.
Title : Factors influencing the nursing informatics competency of undergraduate nursing students in Henan Province: A cross-sectional study
Xizheng Li, Zhengzhou University, China
Title : Eye contact seen from autism. A descriptive qualitative multicenter study into visions and experiences with regard to eye contact, a comparison between adults with and without autism
Jos Boer, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands
Title : Overview of augmented intelligence for nursing
Adele Webb, Strategic Education, Inc., United States
Title : Development of a coaching program on leadership for selected personnel in a healthcare environment
Mark Jeembs M Pineda, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
Title : Healthcare system sponsored CNA training program creates opportunity and increases workforce
John R Balcuk, Northwell Health Huntington Hospital, United States
Title : Exploring pre-registration nursing students’ experiences of mentorship by New Graduate Registered Nurses (NGRNs) during clinical placement
Sheetal Sood, Western Sydney University, Australia