Leadership in nursing research plays a pivotal role in shaping healthcare practices and improving patient outcomes. Nurse leaders involved in research are instrumental in bridging the gap between clinical practice and evidence-based care. By guiding research teams, advocating for innovative studies, and ensuring the integration of findings into real-world settings, they advance the profession and contribute to a culture of continuous improvement. Moreover, professional development within nursing research helps nurses sharpen their critical thinking, leadership, and collaborative skills, enhancing their ability to drive change and influence health policy. This empowers nurses to not only advance their careers but also elevate the standard of care across healthcare systems.
Title : Factors influencing the nursing informatics competency of undergraduate nursing students in Henan Province: A cross-sectional study
Xizheng Li, Zhengzhou University, China
Title : Eye contact seen from autism. A descriptive qualitative multicenter study into visions and experiences with regard to eye contact, a comparison between adults with and without autism
Jos Boer, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands
Title : Overview of augmented intelligence for nursing
Adele Webb, Strategic Education, Inc., United States
Title : Development of a coaching program on leadership for selected personnel in a healthcare environment
Mark Jeembs M Pineda, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
Title : Healthcare system sponsored CNA training program creates opportunity and increases workforce
John R Balcuk, Northwell Health Huntington Hospital, United States
Title : Exploring pre-registration nursing students’ experiences of mentorship by New Graduate Registered Nurses (NGRNs) during clinical placement
Sheetal Sood, Western Sydney University, Australia