Complementary therapies are used in addition to conventional medical practices, it include various treatment methods, such as herbal therapies and manual healing, reflexology and acupuncture. These therapies are rising in popularity among the general public. Complementary and alternate therapies are considered to be harmless when executed by trained and experienced practitioners.
Title : Value based care: Implications for nursing
Adele Webb, Strategic Education, Inc., United States
Title : Establishing a systems-based approach for mastery learning of IV therapy and ultrasound guided peripheral catheter insertions
Nancy L Moureau, PICC Excellence, Inc, United States
Title : Representation of interests and professionalisation in nursing using the example of the establishment of the North Rhine-Westphalia nursing board
Sandra Postel, President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Nursing Board, Germany
Title : Strengthening the nursing profession: The new paradigm of mentorship
Robin Adams Geiger, Ingenovis Health, United States
Title : The peaks and troughs of vancomycin compliance
Tracy O Brien, University of Pittsburgh, United States
Title : Reducing predictable in hospital cardiac arrests
Patty Gessner, Ascension Alexian Brothers Medical Center, United States